“Oh, for sale is the Yamaha CX 5M music computer. A little background information about this unit. Earlier this year, I tested it and it was working just fine. I recently tested it again and was not able to get video. When the unit is plugged into the television, The television will flicker like it does when you turn on the component that’s plugged in. It doesn’t seem to go beyond that. This unit has two cartridges. The first is the Yamaha DX seven voice creation program. The second is the program needed to utilize the FM synthesizer unit that’s attached to the bottom of the computer. Also, I have an original box that one of these voice modules may have come from. There’s also a tube here with several chips, some of which say that it’s an upgrade to the voice unit. I am also including the Yamaha CA01. This is the rear adapter that goes on the back of the machine. It allows you to plug in a cartridge to the back of the machine.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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