“I’m selling this Prophet 2000 synth as-is since it has an output issue. I haven’t dove deep into this synth but bought it used last year & each feature I messed with did work, including the disk drive & sampling. But when using factory sounds, either headphones or external speakers, it will play two notes panned hard left, then two hard right, then two left, and so on. Also the first note on the right is a bit buzzy each time. If I load a sample disk, it will do this ping pong panned output issue rotating with 4 notes each side. So no stereo output. At least this is what it was doing when I used it last week to prepare it for auction. I looked for this issue online and found one mention of this problem, but if you work on synths, perhaps this is the auction for you. Maybe it’s an easy fix for someone who knows what they are doing. It comes with the power cable and a stack of disks, half of which successfully loaded & half that either weren’t recognized or had some loading issue, so those could be considered blanks I suppose. The picture with the disks spread out is the stack that loaded properly. Nothing fancy, just a lot of basic sounds, the real magic is sampling your own stuff anyways. Physically, it’s a tank and just has a bit of scuffing & some white marks here & there. Keys are all solid and all work as well as buttons & knobs.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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