“I’m the original owner. Bought it some time in the late 80’s or early 90’s. Used it on various commercials and multi-media projects until around 2004, when I left the biz. It’s been sitting in a rack in my smoke-free, personal studio since then. It hasn’t even been powered up much in the last 17 years. It was in very good cosmetic condition, until I tried to clean the sticky residue from a label off the top left front the other day. That cleaning solution caused the finish to smear and look ugly. I’ve tried to provide several pictures and angles of that discoloration so that you can see it clearly. There’s also a light scratch in the upper right part of the display.
I’ve tested its operations, and it’s working great, midi connections and response are good, and it’s still got that fantastic Oberheim analog synth sound. I reset it to all the factory original presets. I even still have the manual.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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