“Here we have a Digital Keyboards Synergy DKII+ with Midi and the all important serial port that allows you to load voices from the Kaypro and program your own unique sounds. It is housed in it’s original hardwood casing. Everything in the pictures is included. See below for a break down of exactly what you get.
It includes a Kaypro II in excellent condition (I got it from the original owner and it is clean!) and the host control software plus entire voice library of over 500 original factory sounds on 14 disks.
It includes the original foot pedal that is essential for controlling the unique portamento feature.
Also included is a copy (reproduction by me) of the original manual for both the Synergy and the Synergy with a Kaypro on heavy card stock
To make things easier, I have written a quick start guide for the new owner so you are able to load disks to the Synergy right out of the box.
The entire system is serviced, tested and working.
The original Oscillator board has had a repair. It had a spot where someone spilled a drink that ran through the keys and dripped onto the oscillator board (looked like a coke). The keyboard was completely taken apart and cleaned and the oscillator board was completely repaired replacing the effected ROM sockets, chips, and fixing the traces. It was not enough liquid to effect the wood or any other part of the machine.
Every aspect of this machine has been analysed and scrutinized by two techs and an owner obsessed with Synergy machines. If you want this machine to be in pristine, perfect, never repaired shape all you would need to do is swap out this OSC board for one from a lesser machine like a DKI or DKII. They all use the same OSC Board. It is the midi, serial, and processor boards that are harder to get your hands on. The other boards in the machine have never had an issue and are in good condition. The current oscillator board has been painstakingly repaired replacing the damaged ROM sockets, chips and traces. It works great, but I wanted to disclose the repair.
This listing includes:
1. Kaypro II with SYNHCS host control software, all six Vcart on six 5.25” floppy disks, all 13 sound libraries on seven disks, and Wendy Carlos voice library 1&2 on one disk. All disks are recent copies onto new old stock media and work. The Disks are labeled and organized in the exact same way as my originals from Digital Keyboards inc (even the same dot matrix font was used when creating the labels). These are copies made directly from the originals
2. The proper serial cable for connecting the Kaypro to a Synergy plus an extra as back up. Both cables have been tested. I am including the extra to save you to trouble of having to track one down if you loose one.
3. One complete DKII+ as described above.
4. A copy of the host control operational manual.
5. Original pedal for sustain and portamento. Cable has small amount of wear but it works and is tested. The synergy has a unique feature where the Portamento is controlled from the the foot pedal
6. A quick start guide written by me on how to load sounds and do the fun stuff without having to read the entire manual.
7. The perfect stand for this system. This is a heavy duty folding stand from the 70’s. It is the most stable stand I have ever owned. No matter how hard you hammer away on the keys It will not shake or wobble. People offer to buy this stand from me all the time. It apparently goes with a vintage Yamaha or Roland system but I can not recall what system. I saw Tomita using one once.
8. Custom midi cable by event horizon in Nashville made with Mogami wire. The blue matches the kaypro so you can keep up with the wire in a complicated set up.
The wood case is substantial! It is made from hardwood and real HARDWOOD plywood. There is NO particle board or cheap materials in sight. This will make shipping it and the Kaypro more expensive than you might think. If you do not see your country listed contact me for an exact shipping quote. I am known for my excellent packing jobs. I only use the highest quality packing materials and “over pack” everything.
Cosmetically everything looks good. The Kaypro is in very nice shape with only one small ding on the top left corner. It is a one owner computer and is super clean. If you have ever hunted for a Kaypro you will quickly learn that there are plenty that come from damp basements and attics and ones that were actually taken care of. THIS ONE WAS TAKEN CARE OF. I got it from the original owner.
The Synergy is also in really nice shape. The only noticeable cosmetic imperfections are on the wood. The wood is a bit dry and has some rub marks and scratches that will probably go away with some wood polish but I am afraid to use it because you never know how wood will react. I would say just leave it. It looks vintage and rustic. You can also feel the texture on the wood grain on top so I do not think the wood is sealed enough to use a polish. The face of the machine looks very clean, so does the badge on the back.
This is a nice system and I am able to program and load sounds. The face of the Synergy is very clean so is the name badge on the back. The only real down side, if you can call it a downside, to this system is that if the OSC board ever needs another repair in the future (be careful where you set your drink!) the tech will have to take more time because he will have to follow the new wires that replace the traces, but it was just serviced and is stable. I like to disclose every last detail inside and out of everything I list in order to be fair. ” Click here to search for synths on eBay