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MOTM Cynthia Sawtooth Animator


Turn one VCO into seven!

(Your ear or an oscilloscope simply can’t tell the difference between this module and a whole rack of seven oscillators!)

This amazing Bernie Hutchins inspired all analog circuit has been admired for years as a true Electronic Design marvel, (Of course we could not simply leave well enough alone, voltage controlled FAT has been added which allows a signal such as an envelope or LFO to sweep from a single sawtooth wave output to an ensemble of seven. There’s also a square wave cluster output, so it’s not just sawtooths out, which might make for a crazy clock input to something.

Six internal LFOs track the incoming VCO frequency for a consistent sound at any pitch.

These six LFOs have individual output jacks

giving you a swarm of frequency controlled triangle outputs who’s output depth can be modulated by the VC FAT input. Think of the possibilities: the LFO outs can modulate six other modules in your system on command.

It’s optimized for a sawtooth input, but any waveform with a slope going into this thing… comes out as a super fat seven-hundred pound gorilla of waveforms!”
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