” From Patrice Rushen’s “haven’t used this in years ” locker is a near-fully (see below) functional TX816 with all new batteries. All were replaced using coin cell holders and new CR2032 batteries for easy future replacement. All modules passed Service Manual test procedures, however, Module 7 has a dysfunctional “Individual” Led indicator. The original LED was “open”, so it was replaced, as was the Inverter Buffer chip but to no avail. The problem appears to reside in IC1 (MPU HD 6303X), however the module does toggle between “Common” and “Individual” input. I did not have that IC in stock, so it was not replaced. Nor do I have the extender card needed to dive deeper into the issue.
The power supply will probably need to be re-capped as it did exhibit some reluctance to fire up and initialize from a fully “cold” condition. Once warmed up it fired up reliably. I can install a new power supply for $300 added to the purchase price.”
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