“Yamaha SY-22 Synthesizer keyboard MOSTLY working but figure to use for parts only. There is one key, the low C# that seems to be broken, and middle C and D next to it don’t work. This may be for parts as everything else seems to work fine. Oh, the George L 1/4″ cord doesn’t go, nor the Peavey amp its sitting on. The power supply does not go with this keyboard, it goes with another SY-35 that I will be selling. I thought I had two power supplies, but I can’t find but this one that goes with the other keyboard. It does include one peddle, I think a sustain? I am in the central Willamette Valley in Oregon, so if you are somewhat local that would be good to pick it up, but I’ll hire the mail service people to box this to ship otherwise.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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