“Sold as a pair with MIDI and analog cables required. One Working disc.
You can still buy a few of the discs, as new, if you know where and how to search for them…
I’m not sure about the formatting though. I’d expect that the drives format the discs?
I’m waiting for the belt to come in for the drive. the one sold here on eBay is the wrong one it will not work correctly. it is too big, it is 3mm in width so it will ride high on the pulley and come off. which you see in the sales image itself. I know this as I have 3mm belts from the same supplier. I’m waiting for some 2mm wide belts to come in. the correct size is approximately a 2.5mm wide belt. A 2mm one should ride well enough on the crown of the pulleys–so that it causes no issues. I guess we’re going to find out. Should be here any day.” Click here to visit listing on eBay