“Yamaha DX7 Digital Programmable Algorithm Synthesizer – FOR PARTS OR REPAIR!!* This item was found in a storage unit I bought at auction! This keyboard seems to be in great shape for the age! Comes in a hardcase it powers on and reads needs battery! No other testing done as I do not have a amp or anything to hook it up to why being sold as parts or repair! Comes with 11 data sound cartridges which are also untested but included are*dx-7 voice rom ×2*top forty rom*wedding band rom*unique rom*bo tomlyns analog 1 rom*bo tomlyns analog 2 rom*bo tomlyns best of usa rom*yamaha dx data cartridge*dx ram*64 voice data ram ×2* case has some pet hair on the outside! The keyboard just had minor dust which I wiped off” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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