“I’ve had this synth for about 7 years. It sounds fantastic, looks beautiful and clean, and I’m sure I’ll regret selling it. From what I’ve tried, the new DSI synths don’t come close to the raw immediacy of this sound.
This P600 was acting up and had a recent trip to Wine Country Sequential last year to fix some underlying bugginess. In the time I’ve had it it has seen an almost entire replacement of the digital control ICs for the panel controls, as well as the replacement of all the original plastic potentiometers with nice metal, panel mounted, buttery smooth metal pots, and a new production membrane pad. It also has a new battery, brand new EPROM, and all original factory presets loaded in.
While it is completely up and running (and sounding amazing!) one of the filters doesn’t quite track. If interested, I can answer any questions or send sound samples regarding this.”
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