“Purchased at a local estate sale. Took it home and plugged it into an amp. It seems to function well, although a few of the upper keys seemed a little touchy , meaning that I didn’t hear anything, and then pressed it again and heard it, sometimes going in and out. Not sure what that means. There is also one of the middle keys which is raised a little more than the others. Maybe something under it. Just can’t see anything with a flashlight. I am not at all knowledgeable about this type of thing, so I am trying to describe to the best of my knowledge. There are a flew blemishes on the sides as well as the base of the synthesizer, as I showed in some of the photos. One more thing, is that the power cord has electrical tape in a number of places. It seems pretty secure though. I plugged it in, and it worked fine. I did see photos of other identical synthesizers , and it looks like a few stickers are missing . A Pro One sticker, and a Sequential Circuit sticker .Please view photos.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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