“Nice condition not mint but very good. J wire low serial with chassis mounted psu. I’ve owned it for several years and it’s been regularly serviced I had the power cord removed and a kettle lead put in its place much safer and easier to move around. I also had the keyboard bushings replaced about two years ago as the keyboard was shocking plays nicely now. The pro one badge came off in the studio and is unfortunately now lost but they are readily available on Facebook if you feel you need it. I’ve recorded with it gigged with it and it’s never once let me down. It can be a bit picky with power as in it likes an nice clean supply, if you have a pc or laptop running on the same circuit the analog oscillators will create hum, this is a common thing with a lot of vintage synths it also likes a good 10 or 15 mins to warm up. I will be really sorry to see it go but it’s just not getting the use these days and I’m a player not a collector. “ Click here to search for synths on eBay
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