“Roland Jupiter 6 For sale.
I’ve had this listed on here a few months ago – twice! The first buyer never showed up and stopped replying to messages so I relisted.
The second time I listed, the synth developed a fault between me driving it halfway down the M6 and the new owner turning it on. The fault was some distortion in the VCA circuit, which has since been rectified and the synth is now fault free.
It’s getting on for 40 years old and things like this are going to happen on a vintage synth!
For this reason, I would only be happy with any buyer coming to collect it and trying it out to make sure you’re 100% happy with it before taking it away.
Ok, now for the synth – As I said it’s serviced, and calibrated and all working as it should. It has the Europa mod installed and I’ve also got some magnetic reference tiles so it’s easier to learn what the mod actually does.
Cosmetically, it’s in pretty good shape. There are two dents on the front panel on the left, and one slightly worse one on the back, both are pictures but happy to send more pictures if needs be.”
Click here to visit listing on eBay