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Roland JD-800

“Hey there, I’m selling a JD-800 synth in great shape that is fresh from an overhaul, but has one key (marked with blue tape) that’s now acting up a bit. Not sure what’s going on there, but the other keys are working normally.

I’d love to keep this, but tax season is upon us and I will need the funds.

This is ONLY available for local pickup in Anaheim, CA 92805!
JD-800’s are too fragile to ship, sorry. :/

Here’s the good:
-$520 in work has been put into this synth, paperwork included
-Cosmetically pretty dang nice! No cracked plastic parts (very common problem after shipping + handling)
-Red glue removed, cleaned off everything, weights re-glued
-New key contacts
-New key domes/membranes
-New filter cutoff slider
-DAC calibrated
-AFTERTOUCH WORKS NOW!! (Most JD-800’s don’t have working aftertouch anymore)
-Buttons working as they should
-Sliders and knobs working as they should
-Comes with 2 rare cards! (Dance Drums: PCM + Data) plus power cord

The vintage quirks:
-One D sharp key (the one marked with blue tape) only triggers at higher velocities. Noticed this some time after I got it home again.
-Original orange LCD screen occasionally flickers between extra bright and normal brightness, usually on a cold start. Screen is still working otherwise. Small complaint there.

Despite those two things, this synth is ready to play and tweak and would be an excellent addition to any synth studio/collection. Now might be your last chance to buy one of these in working order for a while.” Click here to visit listing on eBay