“Up for your consideration: 1985 Roland Alpha Juno-1 49-Key Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer. Very Good Condition. Slight fingernail scuffs on membrane, scratch on volume slider and a few light scratches on case and underside. Zero Issues and ready for action! Outstanding Roland Synthesizer used by many electronic artists at some point in their career. Vince Clarke and The Prodigy to name a few. Tank like construction, compact and powerful sounding, this synth shines in the studio. Thick rich string pads and fat basses round out a few categories in which it excels and when layering, creates an enormous sound. Out of the box presets are solid starting points and this synth allows you to tweak every parameter available via the “Alpha Dial”. If you are one who seeks a more performance based tweaker “hands-on” approach, check out the Roland PG-300 Controller or similar. Modern controllers and computers can also manage the tweaking of parameters thanks to its MIDI capability. Ships with original AC Cable.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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