“Read entire description before purchasing……Peavey DPM 3 Synthesizer up for grabs that needs some TLC. As you can see from the photos it’s in super clean condition but there are no sounds loaded into memory. I suspect it needs a new battery because if you leave it unplugged it will boot up with random characters on the display but if left plugged in it appears to be normal except the memory banks or empty. These use a solder in type battery from what I have read online so I’m not going to attempt the repair myself. Because the keyboard is not loaded with sounds I have no way to test the other functions other than the display which looks nice and bright. The keyboard is in very clean condition sans for a ding on one of the corners of the case as shown in the photos and does not look abused in any way. I have no way of knowing if it has any other issues so it’s being sold as is with no return. If you like working on old synths this would be a good project. Packing will be top notch.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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