” Korg Poly61 Midi for parts or repair.
Turns on,display shows some numbers and some scrambled
Makes sound,many function operates but does not trigger properly,
midi works.
Unit motherboard was damaged by the usual battery leak,
it has been repaired a few times throughout the years,it was working properly until
recently but it seems acid is still doing its job hence the current issues.
I don’t want to have to have it fixed again and again so I’m selling it for parts only.
PSU delivers correct +15 -15 5
No return
Please see the video showing the issue before buying.
Battery has been removed to stop leak but never replaced so sounds need to be reloaded
via tape input for someone willing to do the repair however currently sounds can partially be programmed has shown in
the video.
For parts or repair,not functionning item ,no return.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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