“Korg MS2000R in the original blue metal case. I really hate to partwith this, but I just don’t have the room and it doesn’t getenough use from me. It needs to go to a home where someone can useit. I used it for 2 sounds: the hard oscillator sync lead and thevocoder. The vocoder is superb and worth the asking price alone! It’sin good physical shape with the usual rack mount wear. Everythingseems to work on it, but I don’t use all the numerous features.Serial number (21) 00011099. I’ll include the wall wart powersupply I’ve been using with it. I bought this second hand, so Ican’t say how the first owner used it, but I’ve only used it inmy non-smoking studio for the past 5 years or so. Ebay put the note in about “circuit bent” but nothing on this has been modified.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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