“I’ve had this delightful synth for 22 years and sat patiently waiting it’s turn to give all in a pair of 6 ft racks filled with some of the best rack mount synths the world had to offer.I put it up on eBay last year and during the final testing before shipping it was making some very strange noises in on quite a few of the presets.I told the buyer and we decided to cancel the auction for refund.It’s been sitting there waiting for my next test and after 6 months it’s not making any sound now.It lights up properly and seems like it turns on correctly but no sound at all.I wonder if it could be the battery is dead and the presets were compromised.I have never changed the battery in the 22 years so that may well be an answer.At any rate I am selling this unit “as is” for a DIY project.I was going to send it to my tech to fix but he has been laboring on my Matrix 12 for 2 months and I don’t want to distract him.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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