“So I got this synthesizer with full intentions of bringing this instrument back up to operating condition. I however have so many projects that I am going to be working on before I get to this particular synthesizer. So I decided to give someone a chance to pick this thing up at discount and restore it themselves. This is what I know about it so far. I have powered it up with a power cord from one of my other instruments. The instrument powers up and displays some letters and numbers. This means that the battery has died and the instrument has lost all of his memory of sounds and operating system. When pressing the keys I do get a very faint sound so that tells me the sound ships are working from what I can tell without a sound library loaded on it. The power cord is not included because it did not come with one when I bought it and I need the one I have for my other instruments. The buttons on the front light up when Pressed. Some of them seem to be a little bit dusty and could probably benefit from a cleaning.
please ignore the other synthesizer project in the pictures nothing of that is included.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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