“I purchased keyboard maybe 15 years ago as a backup and it has been sitting around and not used for years. I have had the backlit LCD replaced by a White on Black background OLED which is much more visible in the dark and on stage when the lights are low. Also I have installed an ACARD SCSI converter with a CF (1GB compact flash internally) Thus there are 99 available banks on board.Some sounds and sequences are loaded for testing it out. This has zero hard drive noise which could be good for studio use.The floppy drive looks like it has been replaced at some point and the last time I tried it I could read disks but I couldn’t get it to write disks correctly. There are other options available today for floppy emulators which I would pursue if I was going to keep this keyboard. The sale is for the keyboard and power cord only.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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