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Sequential Circuits Remote Prophet

“This Prophet Remote serial number 4 has a completely reversible MIDI modification using a PreSonus PS-49 midi keyboard. It currently provides note on/off with velocity. More importantly it reduces the overall weight by just over 5lbs which brings it down from 13-14lbs to just over 7lbs in total weight.

I will ship the remote in the stock configuration since the PreSonus keyboard is much lighter. When the PreSonus keyboard is mounted in the case the original circuit board and switches will not fit and needs to be kept out. This modification while providing note on/off and velocity is incomplete. The next step would be to wire in the 3 mod wheels and create a new circuit board to provide access to the 4 pots, data slider and other buttons. If you’re able to finish up that project you’ll have a cool vintage MIDI keytar.

Vintage Sequential Circuits Prophet remote for the rev 3.2 Prophet-5 and comparable revision Prophet-10. Uncommon 49 key, 4 octave C-C pratt-reed j-wire keyboard. Components look to be intact, but is being sold as is. The keyboard will likely need buss bar and j-wire cleaning as well as new rebound bushings.

the remote also has three wheels of which pitch self returns and a switch matrix similar to the Prophet-5/10.

Original leather strap and locks. Walnut wood end pieces. Serial number 4.” Click here to visit listing on eBay

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Sequential Circuits Remote Prophet

“Sequential Circuits Prophet Remote 1001 AS IS, Total untested I have No way to test this. No cables or cords are included. It is missing one side board. Come from a pro Audio shop that closed its doors. No Warranty. Sold As Is Sold as Parts & Repair. No Returns No Refunds.” Click here to visit listing on eBay

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Sequential Circuits Remote Prophet

“If you’ve found this auction, you’re likely aware of this keyboard. You also know how rare it is!

This is a Prophet-5 remote keyboard designed for hook-up to your Prophet-5. It is a “dumb” terminal – there are no patches stored in it. Please be aware that you must have a Prophet-5 in order for this keyboard to produce sound!

I hooked this up to my Prophet-5 (Rev 3.2) and here is what happened:

1. It works! The patch and bank select buttons illuminate and I could change sounds (sometimes the buttons required more than one punch, though.)

2. The pitch bend and mod wheels worked, but I couldn’t make the “aux” wheel work. I don’t know what it’s for, and I might have been doing it wrong.

3. I can play the sounds of my Prophet-5 and the remote at the same time. So, for whatever reason, the Prophet-5 doesn’t go silent when the remote is connected. Oh, what I could have done had I had four arms! 🙂

4. The Remote’s keys are very clicky-clacky. If you want to use this regularly, you’ll need to have the bushings (little rubber parts inside the keys) replaced. You might be able to do this yourself, and I think the parts are available at Wine Country Sequential. I tested every key and they all work, but some more reluctantly than others. Don’t be surprised if you hear “chattering” from some of the keys when you depress them.

It comes with the original umbilical cord, which is in good shape.” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Rev 3 with Remote Prophet

“Sequential Circuits Prophet­5 Rev. 3 (MIDI) 5 voice synthesizer AND Sequential Circuits Prophet Remote keyboard for sale. Includes interface cable and pedal, Interface cable needs to have a minor repair done (the 1/4″ control plug needs to be reattached.) Anvil hard case (for P­5) and generic hard case (for P­R). (Anvil case has 3 letter brand.) The P­5 is NOT fully functional. Suspect 1 or more faulty capacitors. This unit IS repairable. The Prophet Remote IS functional. These boards were meticulously cared for by one owner who, instead of keeping these two babies, has to sell them to pay for his divorce attorney. Will not split up. Local pickup (Union county, NJ) only.” Click here to search for synths on eBay