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Moog Prodigy

“MOOG PRODIGY Vintage Synthesizer Model 3368X. Great condition classic synthesiser in perfect working order.”
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Moog Prodigy

“this is a vintage moog prodigy in wonderful condition one knob is missing”
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Moog Prodigy

“Here we have a cornerstone of electronic music: The Moog Prodigy 336a. It’s in great working condition. All of the components (knobs, switches, toggles) are all original and work just fine. ”
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Moog Prodigy

“I am selling my Moog Prodigy!

This is a Pre-1981 model.

The previous owner cleaned the circuit board and cleaned the wood panels and surface. It looks and feels brand new!

It works 100%, power cable attached!

No manual!

The only issue seems to be a finicky filter release switch. You have to gently push it in order to slide in the correct place. Works! Just be gentle.

I also will include extra white switches if you would like to replace/add on to the surface. Personally, I find the switches to be in the way, but aesthetic wise, they look nice.

The first 4 pictures were taken outside. The last two pictures are inside the studio and taken on a smartphone. ”
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Moog Prodigy

“I have for sale a completely and professionally restored Moog Prodigy Synthesiser dating approximately from 1980s, this is the 336A model before CV and Trig outputs were added to the back.

Restored and re-calibrated with a new U.K. Power Supply Transformer (240V-24V) (original US transformer is supplied and can be fitted for US/110V customers) and new axial electrolytic power supply capacitors, no other major parts on the board needed replacing and the motherboard as you can see is in excellent condition with all pots offering a smooth transition and shiny solder points meaning little chance of dry joints now or in the future.

No cracks on the pot solder points.

The unit is Serial #6993 and additionally has a safe and correctly fused IEC inlet added with isolation boot and properly earthed chassis. A U.K. power lead is supplied.

All keys are functioning and responsive and have had little signs of wear and tear, needing only a little contact cleaning and dust removal using compressed air and switch cleaner.

All but one knob has its original felt bases and all knobs are original and clean. Travel is smooth on all pots with little sign of variance in their sweep/travel.

Modulation wheel rests at indented centre as it should with no drift and pitch wheel correctly travels the semitone/whole tone range. Pitch stability after warm up is excellent, again with no discernible or measurable drift.

Red 5mm LED is original. There is slight wear on the rear case logo (due to previous owner spraying the back black), but this has been successfully removed and cleaned along with the entire top metalwork steam cleaned and 40 years of grime removed.

This unit is unmodified and gently restored and ready to use in any Live or studio setting.” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“Moog Prodigy 336A Analog Synth – Upgraded CV

This classic analog bass beast Moog Prodigy is in good working condition, looks great as well. We bought this a couple years ago for our studio. It has served up some of the biggest basses and leads on many studio sessions.

This is the rare Model 336A with CV I/O added so that you can sequence / control it with any CV related gear… we did so with amazing results.

The previous owner added 3 more CV jacks on the back (not sure what those are for… we never needed to use them) and also changed the S Trig proprietary jack for a typical 1/4 jack.. way easier to use.

All the knobs were upgraded to a very cool black /silver knob instead of the generic original black knobs.

It all works / sounds great! Sold as is, as its close to 40 years old.

I pack safe and ship fast!”
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Moog Prodigy

“Iconic synth by MOOG

Powers up , makes noises and all keys work.

Not 100% sure if everything is working on it as it’s an old vintage synth…

When I purchased it years ago the previous owner said it would benefit from a service which I have never done and it has remained in the cupboard since then,,hence I have decided to sell.

All sliders and knobs are nice and tight a keys are fine

As I am not sure EVERYTHING is working as it should do, I would have to say SPARES OR REPAIRS”
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Moog Prodigy

“Moog Prodigy – Monophonic Analog Synth. Condition is Used.

Retro fitted by Analogue Solutions with semi modular patch bay to front panel (see photo)

Includes original Moog owners manual”
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Moog Prodigy

“I am the original owner and this unit is in great condition. It has never required servicing and is completely unmodified. I purchased this Moog Prodigy in 1980 from Naperville Music in the Chicago suburbs. The original Owner’s Manual, Technical Service Information manual and warranty card shown are included. I never noticed until just now but I think the music store guy wrote down the serial number as 9358 on the warranty card but the sticker on the back looks like 3358 to me. I have owned numerous keyboards/organs/synthesizers over the years but nothing I have ever touched creates the unbelievably wide range of sounds that this little guy does. I am with some reluctance letting this friend of 39 years go to a better home.”
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Moog Prodigy

“Did a little research on this model. It’s one of their first before the marketing on back of the synthesizer.

Vintage Moog Prodigy Vintage Analog Synthesizer Retro Model #6993

It was tested and sounds normal.”
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Moog Prodigy

“I regret to separate myself from this Moog Prodigy synthesizer. It is in excellent condition.
Very simple in appearance, the range of sounds is wide in both for bass and leads.
Made in the USA, it is necessary to use a voltage adapter that I will provide you.”
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Moog Prodigy Project Machine

“Moog Prodigy 32-Key Monophonic Analog Synthesizer. Condition is Used and needs work.

This is a great vintage keyboard that needs some TLC. How much? I’m not exactly sure and that’s why the offer price is so low. What I do know is that I purchased this item new around 1981. When I was testing it, just prior to listing on eBay, I broke the high F# key. Parts (black key) are available here on eBay for around $15 and YouTube videos are available on how to repair this. A great design and easy to fix. The wheels are a bit discolored due to the playing environment they were exposed to 35 years ago. Of course there are normal wear – nicks and scratches. The only work I’ve performed is cleaning it up a bit and working the pots and switches with Deoxit D5 contact cleaner. It does play, but certainly needs more attention before it is gig worthy.

In addition, like many VCO based vintage synths, you must allow it time to warmup before playing. 30 minutes is a good starting point. If you start playing before it warms up very disconcerting sounds are heard and the keyboard does not function properly. When it fully warms up it works okay except for the broken issue.

This unit is definitely sold as is with the buyer’s understanding that this keyboard needs work – at least an F# black key replacement. It could be as little as that. I don’t know. Ideally, this is for someone who is handy with this sort of thing or is willing to take it to a professional for additional preparation and reconditioning.”
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Moog Prodigy

” Up for sale is this vintage 1980s Moog Prodigy 32-key analog synthesizer in great condition. Everything works properly and sounds incredible.” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

” This thing rips. Love it to pieces. It sounds beefy and has that classic buttery Moog filter to taste.

Would not be selling however I need to. I hope it finds a good home as it’s treated me well and I love this thing.

Please take good care of Prodigy . Thank you!”
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Moog Prodigy Project Machine

“I believe this may be a prototype of the Moog Prodigy. I’m guessing age from no where later than 1979. Only 1 owner (who is deceased) until I acquired it. Telling details of being a factory prototype are the Prodigy logo with the Moog flag inside the Prodigy’s letter “O”, same as the Moog logo. On the back of the unit, in the upper left corner, there is a space for the unit’s model number (336), but wasn’t printed on the vinyl covering. The serial number is DD-07, which is nothing like I’ve ever seen on a Prodigy. Opening the keyboard up, I found a sticker stating “Property of D+D Eng.” “Ident 07″. Tested and plays & sounds great. No dirty pots. Great bass sound. Great cabinet wood. The only flaw is the wrinkled vinyl covering. This is one unique unit.”
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Moog Prodigy

“Moog Prodigy 336A Synthesizer. The following modifications were added to this Prodigy: Kybd In, Kybd Out, Gate In, Gate Out, Oscillator (Osc) In, Filter (VCF) In, and Audio In. Professionally serviced, cleaned, recapped, calibrated, and modified by Analogics in Cleveland, OH. The Osc Input along with Osc Sync engaged for some really interesting sync effects, especially when sequenced. VCF CV Input also makes for some really cool step sequencer effects when a sequencer is attached. I personally did this with the Korg Sq-1. Because this synth has an added Kybd Out, it can control other CV synthesizers that have that capability.” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“Overall very good condition. Tested and working having had a full diagnostics run.

The dust cover is very clean and free of any major scratches however there are some small scratches and cracks on the plinth.” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy Project Machine

” Vintage Moog Prodigy Analog Synthesizer Synth. This unit powers up but DOES NOT PRODUCE SOUND. Unit is in decent cosmetic condition but missing the knob cover for master volume and 9 of the 10 white switch covers 2 unattached switch covers included. ” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“Works fine . Pots are clean power supply works perfect.

No issues ready for action

230v “
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Moog Prodigy

“Der Prodigy wurde vor ein paar Jahren komplett runderneuert. Dementsprechend ist der optische Zustand vergleichsweise sehr gut (siehe Fotos). Auch technisch war bis vor kurzem alles bestens und er hat hervorragend geklungen. Dann hat allerdings die Tastatur Probleme gemacht und kurz danach fiel sie ganz aus. Mehr sollte es nicht sein, allerdings kann ich es auch nicht 100% sicher beurteilen. Jedenfalls wird der Prodigy ausdrücklich als defekt an Bastler abgegeben.

In der Auktion enthalten:

– Moog Prodigy mit Gate/CV
– Stromkabel
– Original-Anleitung

Es handelt sich übrigens um das 230V Modell, ein Adapter wird also nicht benötigt. Bei Fragen zum Prodigy gern eine Nachricht schicken!

Rechtlicher Hinweis: Privatauktion, keine Garantie oder Gewährleistung, keine Rücknahme.”
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Moog Prodigy

“If you are like me, when you are buying a high-end instrument on eBay, you want a greater assurance than “It looks great to me, but I’m no expert, and no returns!” That’s why I put nearly $200 into having this Moog Prodigy 336A Synthesizer professionally inspected and serviced before listing on eBay. It is ready to gig! I took it to Music Technolgy in Springfield, Virginia, the premier Washington, DC, experts in vintage music electronics. (Check them out on Yelp, these guys know what they are doing.)

Besides an overall test and cleaning, Music Technology:

Resoldered the fatigued connection points for the keyboard and output
Deoxed all pots and switches
And removed 35 years of debris from the inside”
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Moog Prodigy

“For sale, 1 Moog Prodigy Vintage Analogue Synthesizer, fully working, in very good condition, the wooden side panels have been painted black, all knobs and sliders are present, comes with power cable, but no manual, no box. Please note that this model does not have the cv inputs, also the case is ever so slightly loose but this does not affect any of the functions. Only selling as I want to buy a different Moog. Collection Only Please.”
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Moog Prodigy Project Machine

“Moog Prodigy 336A Synthesizer Keyboard –

This unit produces sound and effets but not pitches. Every key is the same sound. Every switch and dial affects the single tone. All keys work but one is not square and will need to be reset back into proper allignment.”
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Moog Prodigy

“If you didn’t already read the “Used Condition” status, I will briefly describe this again. I bought this Moog Prodigy about 4 years ago for about $1,300. At the time it worked okay, and then very quickly starting breaking. It has had some work done on it, specifically the Oscillator 2 has been fixed and worked on. The first “F” key has been worked on and is now working properly as well. It has been going out of tune immensely and has just now been fixed and tuned back into working order. However, there is now a bit of a problem with the Pitch Bend wheel, where it only sometimes works. It should be a very simple fix, but at this point, I really cannot afford to put any more money into this thing, as much as I do love playing it. So, again, this is a working item with some repairs, that makes it not 100 percent original (which is hard to tell unless taking the thing apart anyways) and of course that the pitch bend wheel does not work well at all.

That being said, it is still in working order and in tune. I can prove work orders for the repairs if needed, or even send you a video of me playing it, showing you the issue if you want before I send it to you.” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“Vintage Moog Prodigy here in cosmetically reasonable shape.

When I bought this a few years ago it had just been serviced by James Walker of Synth Repair Services.

It had also been fitted with a Kenton socket kit on the rear, providing CV, Gate and Filter mono mini-jack inputs – you can run a sequencer through it amongst other things. Normally I wouldn’t approve of tinkering with classic models but in this case it really does add ‘functionality’ + the upgrade is discreet, professionally done and doesn’t destroy the appearance.

The keys are slightly discoloured, the woodwork’s a bit worn, scratched & faded, there are a few scratches on the back panel & lettering. The first (last?) key on the right has a couple of small marks, possibly burns from some dope fiend’s smouldering hash dropping onto it.

It’s been stored in a clean, dry, smoke, child, pet, pest & gluten-free environment & hopefully sounds the same as when I bought it. If you were going to use it for recording it’s probably better to let it warm up for a while. I checked various YouTube demos & everything here seems to function the same as other models (which is a relief when gear starts to age…).” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“Mood prodigy synthesizer model 336a

I’ve owned this instrument for almost 20 years now, and it’s still in great shape and sounds fantastic.

One key is chipped on the underside, wood is showing its age, and the power cord is showing some wear. See photos”
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Moog Prodigy

” I am selling my 1970’s Moog Prodigy. Works and sounds great. A classic synth with that classic vintage Moog vibe. Great for those funky basslines.”
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Moog Prodigy

“Legendary “Moog Prodigy” synth produced by Moog Music from 1979 to 1984. Only 11000 produced and where The Prodigy took their name from. Used by 808 State, Massive Attack, Fat Boy Slim, The Prodigy, Depeche Mode and Blur

Good condition and all keys and knobs working. Four knobs are missing their caps (you can buy replacements online). Tune knob needs a little more attention but will be easy to fix (see photo) “ Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“This amazing synth has been kept in a dry, smoke-free home waiting for someone to bless it. It’s inner workings have been professionally serviced and cleaned, and is guaranteed to operate flawlessly. Cosmetic condition is exceptional for a piece of this age. The only blemish is a small hair-line crack on one of the white slider switches. This does not affect functionality in any way. No yellowing of any keys. knobs and faceplate look amazing, wood grain finish is in great condition as well. By far the most fun you can have with a synth, what a sound! Will package with extreme care upon purchase.” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“The Moog Prodigy is a simple yet surprisingly versatile two oscillator analog synthesizer. Designed to be easy to use but still sound incredible, this is a perfect synth for beginners and experienced synthesists alike!

This particular Prodigy has just been on the bench for a full service. All pots and switches were cleaned, the keyboard was stripped down and contacts overhauled and a full calibration of the oscillators, filter and vca. There is some wear and tear on the side cheeks and some of the paint has been smudged over the years. I’ve tried to show as much as possible in the pictures. Overall the keyboard is in very good condition, not missing any knobs or switch caps. It sounds incredible! ” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“1979 Moog Prodigy in working condition.
Sustain potentiometer stem is broken, but still functions. Everything operates as intended.
Shipping only in continental USA. ” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“This Prodigy is in great shape. I know, since I repaired it. The case is original and un-restored. The keyboard is perfect. It has all of the knobs, switch covers, and case feet. I did change the LED from Red to Green and added golden screws to make it look sharp. I am selling because I have a couple of other similar synths and this one is just not played enough. So love it well.

You can see a demo of this exact synth here, with me playing it:

All it needs to be kept in good shape is tuning. It has ports on the back for that.

This is the pre-CV model, but if you know what you are doing, you can add CV to it.” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“This synth is in good working condition” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“Moog Prodigy classic analogue monosynth

Hopefully if you found this listing then this classic synth needs no explanation. If you don’t know exactly what it is:

[link removed by eBay]

It is a fantastic synth. It has TWO oscillators which makes it sound so much richer than other single-oscillator rivals. Hard sync between the oscillators, in particular, produces some amazing sounds, especially when used with the unsprung pitch wheel. The famous Moog ladder filter sounds just as good as the hype.

I played this once at uni and during soundcheck it was very loud in the PA subwoofers. I thought it was going to take the building down! It will seriously blow your mind.

It has CV and gate (S-trig) inputs for external control, including control of the filter frequency. I am also selling a Kenton Pro 2000 MIDI—CV converter which works perfectly with the Moog Prodigy for driving it from a MIDI sequencer, workstation keyboard or DAW software (I used Ableton Live). See my other items.

I have owned this synth since my university days (around 1999/2000). I never had any problems with it except for replacing a fuse once. It has one switch top missing which does not affect functionality. It has been stored in a smoke-free home.” Click here to search for synths on eBay

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Moog Prodigy

“This synth is in good working condition” Click here to search for synths on eBay