“Later version with trigger button. No corrosion. Keyboard connections re-soldered. Modulation wheel works. The switched jacks all work. Pots are mostly quiet.
This synth was sidelined for many years due to a couple of non-operating keys and I didn’t have any CV equipment.
This month, I opened the unit and carefully repaired the cracked solder joints where the key contacts meet the switch board. I reheated all of the joints to make sure they don’t fail.
The interior is very clean and I carefully cleaned the outside of the unit including the knobs.
The plastic left side plate of the case was cracked at the front, so I reinforced it with glue. See image. This does not affect the rigidity of the case.
At first, the pots were noisy but they quieted after using the synth for a few hours making sure all the functions worked and remembering how much fun it was.
The Pulse Width modulation operates well as do the LFO panel outputs and the switching jacks do what they are supposed to. I’ll throw in 4 home made patch cords, so you can play with the modulation immediately. ”
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