“Arp Pro Soloist
Original synth. from the 1970’s. Needs an overhaul and thefollowing repairs, hence price:
1. Sound isconstantly on, does not stop when you take your finger off a key
2. No touch sensitivity (aftertouch) responsefrom the keyboard
3. Touch sensitivity slider has no effect
4. Brilliance slider has no effect
5. Wow, Growl and Brilliance switches have noeffect
6. Only three out of fifteen lower voicepresets make any sound
7. Only two out of fifteen upper voice presetsmake any sound
8. Of the five presets that make any sound,there is clearly something wrong with the audio signal, it is hardly audible atmaximum amplification
9. There is no envelope shaping (ADSR) orfilter shaping apparent on any of the voices.” Click here to visit listing on eBay