“You are bidding on a vintage mark 1 ARP Odyssey synthesizer. This belonged to my dad, who has owned it since he bought it brand new in the spring of 1973. As he loves to note every time we talk about it, this was the first ARP Odyssey to be sold in the Nashville area. He used it while with the various bands he was part of throughout the 1970s before he retired it by the early 80s. Through the many years of disuse that followed its initial retirement, it sat in its travel case in a spare room in our house, its functionality degrading to the point where it needed extensive restoration to work properly. Around 2011, he did just that, replacing pretty much every part of it that became defective over the years – sliders, capacitors, and so on. Afterwards, he used it for a short time with a local classic rock covers band he was part of before replacing it with a much more modern Roland GAIA synth. These days, he no longer needs it, since he’s mostly retired from playing music due to health issues (plus the fact that he’s in need of money at the moment). He gave me the okay to list it on eBay, so… Here it is, ready to go into the hands of someone who’ll take good care of it!” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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