“Vintage 1978 ARP Odyssey, carry case, user manual fully restored!
I have just had the MK3 Odyssey fully restored and serviced by one of the UK’s best repair techs, work includes, J wires and Bush bars cleaned, new keyboard bushes, all the switches cleaned, PPC contacts cleaned, all the sliders de soldered stripped, cleaned and lubed using high quality Deoxit products, full calibration back to factory spec of the VCOs and VCF.
This is now as good as new, there has been one modification in that the low output jack socket is now the high output to make it easier to connect rather than the XLR being the high output socket.
Do not confuse this with the cheap Korg re issue I have had both and there is a noticeable difference in the sound in many area’s mostly to my ears the PWM and filters just don’t sound right, the original has a far superior cutting tone especially in the mid range frequencies.
Also please bear in mind this is a hand built board made with off the shelf components so it can be kept working indefinitely, good luck trying to get a KARP repaired in the future,(especially once KORG stop supporting it)”
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