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PAiA 9308 FatMan

“I have decided to sell my PAiA FatMan kit. I purchased this for a studio project but ended up not needing it. This is a complete kit as sold by PAiA.

I am including for free the rackmount face plate, so this is actually the complete Panel Bundle, but the panel has been kicked around in storage and has some paint damage (see photo). With this kit you can build the synth out as a rackmount, or you can purchase any of the other finishing options from the PAiA website. A chassis is not included, nor does PAiA sell a rackmount chassis. I believe they do sell a desktop chassis and faceplate. If you really do not want the rackmount faceplate I can exclude that from the package and issue a partial refund on shipping, since that piece is having a significant say on the size of the package.

Also included are two rectifier diodes and a 56K resistor I received as replacement parts from PAiA, unsolicited. I think they had a bad batch for those, realized it, then sent out the replacements. See photo for details.” Click here to visit listing on eBay