“Originally purchased from RubADub in 2008. It’s been racked since, in a clean, smoke-free studio. There are two cosmetic issues to note, but the unit is fully functional. 1. The upper right corner of the rack ear is bent. It doesn’t prevent mounting, so it’s purely cosmetic. 2. My insurer used to require use of smart ink, which I tried to remove before selling with isopropyl alcohol. It did remove it mostly, but in the right light you can still spot it. Given that the ink was mainly transparent to begin with, this is a really minor thing to note, but I just wanted to fully disclose. I’ve photographed both of these here. Comes with manual and original PSU, but not the original box. Selling a bit cheaper than the average price per the cosmetic issues, but there are no functional problems to note.” Click here to visit listing on eBay
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