“Selling my MC202.
It is a bit dirty, with lots of scratches and small cracks. I received it in this condition too.
It is in perfect working order despite this, and was serviced a month before I purchased it (18 months).
It has the Kenton CV mod/upgrade, meaning it is usable in large midi set ups. I purchased this upgrade and it was installed by Kenton engineers. The mod itself cost £110.
I also tested it individually, not within my set up, and all keys work fine.
I used it with a Kenton Pro 2000 MK2, which I am also selling. I am selling the mc202 due to downsizing my studio and I already have similar gear.
Due to its scruffy appearance, I will be selling for a cheaper-than-usual Buy It Now price, as I’m looking for a quick sale.
Unofficial power supply will be included.” Click here to search for synths on eBay